ph: 361-935-1556
July 06, 2018
By Bryan Serold and Barbara David - Victoria County Master Gardeners
Edited by Charla Borchers Leon
Classes: Thursdays, Aug. 2 – Nov. 15
1-5 p.m.
Online: Go to Click on 2018 Training Class
In person: Victoria County Extension Office
528 Waco Circle, Victoria Regional Airport
Call 361-575-4581 for information.
Application Deadline: July 20
Cost: $175
Field trips have been a highlight of Training Classes through the years. Destinations have included:
Participants in this year’s class will help decide field trip destination.
WHEN: Noon-1 p.m. Monday
WHERE: Dr. Pattie Dodson Health Center, 2805 North Navarro St.
PRICE: Free Admission
Bring Your Lunch and Drink
“Xeriscaping: Drought Resistant Plants”
Presented by Victoria County Master Gardener Debbie Krueger
Do you have a love of gardening? Are you interested in expanding your knowledge in ways to care for your lawn, trees, shrubs, flowers and/or vegetable gardens?
Would you enjoy the camaraderie and friendship of others who share the same interest in gardening? Are you willing to share your horticulture knowledge with other individuals and organizations in your community?
If you answered “yes” to these questions, you may want to become a Texas Master Gardener.
The Victoria County Master Gardener program, which began in 1997 and has more than 100 members, will kick off the 2018 fall training class conducted for 16 weeks, beginning Aug. 2 and ending Nov. 15.
The classes are held at the Victoria County 4-H Activity Center, 259 Bachelor Drive, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. every Thursday on the grounds of the Victoria Regional Airport.
The fee for the class, which includes a field trip, is $175. This fee covers the cost of the program including speakers – some of the most knowledgeable in Texas – and the Master Gardener training manual, a valuable resource that will be of great use for years to come.
There are various reasons why joining the Victoria County Master Gardener Association (VCMGA) training program is an excellent investment of your time and resources:
You will meet many new people. The classes are fun and informative, and there are many seasoned master gardeners who are involved with the training class.
VCMGA welcomes people from all over the area which has included Bloomington, Cuero, Edna, El Campo, Ganado, Goliad, Hallettsville, Inez, Lockhart, Moulton, Pierce, Port O’Connor, Port Lavaca, Seadrift, Shiner, Yoakum, Yorktown and, of course, Victoria.
You will gain so much knowledge. The classes are taught by Texas A&M professors and AgriLife Extension specialists, county extension agents, local experts, including our own master gardeners, all of whom are very knowledgeable in their fields. As master gardener trainees, you will have the opportunity to learn from the experts, ask questions and “pick their brains.”
The topics covered this year include the following:
In addition to new acquaintances and gaining knowledge there are other reasons for becoming a master gardener and being involved in VCMGA.
AgriLife Extension. The topics include plant propagation, greenhouse management, rainwater harvesting, home fruit production and earth-kind landscaping. Also soil fertility, entomology, perennials, roses, bulbs, herbs, vegetables, composting, and more – including Texas Superstars. These special 2-3-day programs are held in College Station and are available to master gardeners throughout the year.
Come out and visit Victoria Educational Gardens on the grounds of Victoria Regional Airport and see what we do. You’ll notice various areas such as the Butterfly Haven, vegetable gardens, tropical plants, day lilies, our rain water harvesting system, herb garden, grape vines, Texas Superstars, the greenhouse and so much more. There is always a lot going on; come out and see for yourself.
There are so many reasons to join, so treat yourself to this wonderful program.
You will be welcomed with open arms and will be glad you took this opportunity to learn and live.
If you want to talk to a master gardener, contact the Victoria County Extension office at 361-575-4581 and a one will be happy to visit with you or call you back.
Refer to the adjoining information on how to apply.
The Gardeners’ Dirt is written by members of the Victoria County Master Gardener Association, an educational outreach of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension – Victoria County. Mail your questions in care of the Advocate, P.O. Box 1518, Victoria, TX 77901 or
Victoria Educational Gardens at Victoria Regional Airport was designed, constructed -- and continues to be maintained weekly -- throughout the past 15 years by the Victoria County Master Gardeners. It is a hands-on learning environment with 19 mini-gardens for gardeners and visitors to enjoy. Master Gardeners and Master Gardener Interns are shown here performing maintenance work in various gardens, including the water garden Fall 2018 training class members will be introduced to Victoria Educational Gardens and learn about plants and yearlong gardening practices in the upcoming course.
Two years ago the Victoria County Master Gardener Association began making plans to apply to host the Texas Master Gardener State Conference. Victoria was selected and members are busy planning for up to 600 statewide master gardeners visiting Victoria next April. Shown here manning the Victoria County Master Gardener Association booth at state conference are Master Gardeners Linda Hartman, Laurel Lee, Brynn Lee, and Ken and Sandy Knief. All Victoria County Master Gardeners, interns and trainees in the upcoming fall class will be working on plans to host the conference.
Victoria County Master Gardener Association guides several thousand students and members of organizations on tours of Victoria Educational Gardens annually. Students of VISD's Schorlemmer Elementary School watch a play on butterflies while on tour of Victoria Educational Gardens. With educating the public on good gardening as their mission, Victoria County Master Gardener Association members and fall trainees will help continue to share this knowledge with others.
For the last decade, the Victoria County Master Gardener Association has provided free gardening information to the community through Lunch and Learn with the Masters training sessions monthly from January through August. More than 500 attendees each year from up to six counties each session have attended the program. Master Gardeners, who are often experts in their fields, present these sessions and also help with the fall training class that begins August 2.
ph: 361-935-1556