ph: 361-935-1556
Victoria County Master Gardener Association
Teachers’ Grant Opportunity
VCMGA is a 501(c)3, not for profit educational association of Texas AgriLife Extension.
The objective of VCMGA is to increase the knowledge of gardening to its members and the general public.
The Victoria County Master Gardener Association Teachers’ Grant will provide Victoria and surrounding county teachers and students with an opportunity to plan and construct a horticultural project that will support education in related subject areas. Acceptable grants from $100 to $500 maximum will be judged and prioritized according to a grading scale and funded up to a total of $2000 per school year as years permit. Application deadline is Jan. 15 and recipient will be notified on or after Feb. 15. Grant applications are available at:
To be eligible for the Victoria County Master Gardener Association Teachers’ Grant, you must:
Victoria County Master Gardener Association/Attn: Teachers’ Grant Committee
528 Waco Circle /Victoria, TX 77904
Contact Info: Helen Parks 361-550-1571 / / Subject: VCMG Teacher Grant Info
Section 1: Personal Data
Applicant Name(s): ___________________________________________________________
Campus Name: ______________________________________________________________
Campus Address: ____________________________________________________________
County: ______________________________ Contact Phone: ________________________
Contact E Mail: __________________________________________
Section 2: Application Certification
Applicant certifies that the information contained herein is correct and truthfully reflects district / campus approval. Applicant agrees that, if any information contained herein is found to be falsified in any way, this application will automatically become null and void. Applicant agrees to provide journal and photo accounts of completed project.
Signature of Applicant ____________________________________ Date ________________
Signature of Administrator Approval _____________________________________________
Section 3: Campus Plans
Grant Amount Proposed: _________ Grade Level(s) of Student Involvement: ________________
Projected Beginning & Completion Dates: _______________________________________________
Subject Area(s) Addressed: ___________________________________________________________
# Educators: ________ #Parents: _________ #Community Members: ___________
# Students: White_______ Af.Am. ________ Hispanic _______ Other _________
Attach an essay stating your objectives, total itemized detailed budget($100-$500), completion plans, student involvement, educational benefits, campus diversity and / or campus beautification. Grant reader easy reference such as bulleted lists, charts, and tables are encouraged not to exceed a maximum 3 page (12 pt.) limit.
Mail Completed Applications to:
Victoria County Master Gardener Association/Attn: Teachers’ Grant Committee
528 Waco Circle /Victoria, TX 77904
Contact Info: Helen Parks 361-550-1571 / /Subject: VCMG Teacher Grant Info
Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas cooperating. Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid, service or accommodations in order to participate in this meeting are encouraged to contact the County Extension Office at 361/575-4581 to determine how reasonable accommodations can be made. The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Cooperative Extension Service is implied.
Recent Grants
The Bridge Progam at the Vine School
Attached are two photos taken recently. Photo 1 is presentation of $500 grant check by Victoria County Master Gardener Association President Mike Martignoni to Meredith Potts of The Bridge Program at The Vine School. The grant funds will be used to buy garden supplies. Students with the program are growing vegetables and herbs. In the background at the right is Helen Parks, chairman of the VCMGA grant committee. Photo 2 is of several eager gardeners who are enrolled in The Bridge Program.
Photos and text by Linda Lees.
Photo 1
Photo 2
ph: 361-935-1556